

Using both of our proprietary methods in MSR and Radiometric Gamma. We search for different geo-mechanical, water presence indicators leading our in house geophysicist teams to find accurate results for well sites.

The technology is not just leading the charge when it comes to Well Siting. No one does it quite like we do. With a 95% success rate in our MSR well siting we are active all over the world in trying to find wells that top local wells in output.

Using our methods, we give clients the optimal step by step path to any available water, resulting ultimately in the ability to drill with more peace of mind than ever before.


1. Google Earth

2. Google Earth + Gamma

3. Photogrammetry

4. Photogrammetry + Gamma

5. Gamma Map

6. Proposed MSR

7. MSR Stations

8,9. Targets (no. 1, no. 2)

10,11,12. 3D Models




Willowstick utilizes technology that has proven effective in an array of fields including: geology, bio-magnetics, military, civil remediation and other scientific fields for the past 30 years.

Being the best in the world comes with a burden of pressure. For the past 12 years we have been continuously perfecting our technology to a industry leading 95% (MSR) success rate.


Willowstick investigations take days. Our competitors take weeks or even months. Using cutting edge data collection and model creation we form a seamless process from our field crews to our data analysts. We solve problems quickly, but more importantly, correctly.


Nearly all of our investigations can be performed using existing wells or piezometers (an instrument for measuring the pressure of a liquid or gas). This mitigates any need for expensive and time consuming drilling.

Eyes on the Problem

Without proper tracking we've found that contaminants, such as PFOS, PFOA and 1,4-dioxane our difficult to near impossible to remediate effectively. These pollutants are highly soluble and can readily travel many thousands of feet through complicated underground flow paths.

In the broad and diverse world of environmental remediation the Willowstick Technology is a vital tool to place our clients in the most advantageous position to greatly mitigate risk and better implement precise remediation strategies.


Dams that are build on karst, fractured rock or otherwise complex geology have historically made it more difficult to map subsurface water pathways. For Willowstick these structures represent ideal conditions since these types of water pathways are highly conductive. Additionally the rock will act as an insulator thus providing excellent contrast for our electric current.


For 12 years and 130 different clients, our Willowstick investigations create clients that are eager for more. Over 75% of our business comes from repeat customers, because they know that our accuracy in modeling and predictions will always give them reliable results.
