

In the mining sector, water management presents significant challenges. Adequate access to water is crucial for initiating mining operations, yet addressing water-related issues often constitutes one of the final hurdles prior to obtaining financial clearance for mine reclamation and closure endeavors.

Water plays a pivotal role in daily  operations as well, encompassing tasks such as dewatering, milling, tailings disposal, pump back systems, and the prevention of unwanted seepage into operational areas.

For mine owners, risk management has become an essential function of their jobs, and here at Guardian/Willowstick our technology has proven to not only help them in their assessment, but also the mitigation, of risk on-site.


1. Google Earth

2. Google Earth + Gamma

3. Photogrammetry

4. Photogrammetry + Gamma

5. Gamma Map

6. Proposed MSR

7. MSR Stations

8,9. Targets (no. 1, no. 2)

10,11,12. 3D Models




Willowstick utilizes technology that has proven effective in an array of fields including: geology, bio-magnetics, military, civil remediation and other scientific fields for the past 30 years.

Being the best in the world comes with a burden of pressure. For the past 12 years we have been continuously perfecting our technology to a industry leading 95% (MSR) success rate.


Nearly all of our investigations can be performed using existing wells or piezometers (an instrument for measuring the pressure of a liquid or gas). This mitigates any need for expensive and time consuming drilling.


In much the same way that a dentist compares current x-rays with earlier ones, we create the possibility of our clients comparing the results of past Willowstick investigations with current results. This gives them the capability to gauge the effectiveness of remedial work.

Another benefit of a Willowstick investigation is to observe and evaluate changes over time using our Willowstick Compare™ capability.


If the water begins leaking from an impoundment it can indicate that the integrity of the structure is at risk or there is an inadequate collection system. Remediation is often required in these scenarios and when unguided by an accurate groundwater model, is a surefire recipe for overspending and partial solutions.


The deposition of Coal Combustion Residues (CCRs) in both landfills and surface impoundment is subject to stringent regulatory oversight.

CCRs inherently harbor contaminants such as mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. Inadequate management of these substances poses a significant risk of water pollution, endangering drinking water sources, aquatic ecosystems, and groundwater reservoirs.

The Willowstick technology can be used to map contaminant transport paths, and is a valuable data-gathering tool to help assess the stability of the CCR impoundment.


Water quality inside a tailings storage facility (TSF) or leach pad represents a potential liability to the environment and to the mine. Willowstick maps the pathway of the water out from the TSF or leach pad in order to predict and correct the seepage.


As electric current easily follows through water bearing fractures it generates a dominant magnetic signature that the Willowstick instruments can map and model. This negates the need to use traditional methods such as resistivity and drilling. Which can be difficult and expensive.


Unfortunately, liners are known to frequently experience leaks, which can pose a considerable challenge, especially when direct access is unavailable.

Our Willowstick method utilizes the fact that the electric current follows the hydraulic connection through the liner to complete our electric circuit. This generates a magnetic field that we can measure and map to identify the location of the leak.


Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) & Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) are often the byproduct of mining sulfide ore bodies. Historically mapping the subsurface paths and recharge source of ARD can be frustrating and time consuming. Without preventative measures it will continue to spread.

The application of our Willowstick method offers a comprehensive solution, enabling the precise identification of both subsurface pathways. This capability facilitates targeted intervention and remediation efforts.


- Infiltration into operations
- Dewatering
- Seeps through permafrost
- Slope stability
- Pit lakes
- Leach pad leaks
- Well siting
- Bore placement
- Sump siting
- Containment plume migration
